أخبار العالم
نموذج نصي … أضف المحتوى الذي تريد هنا.
يولد الانسان حراً ، و لكنه في كل مكان يجر سلاسل الاستعباد
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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ليس من المنطق أن تتباهى بالحرية و أنت مكبل بقيود المنطق
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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حيث تكون الحرية يكون الوطن
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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ليس من المنطق أن تتباهى بالحرية و أنت مكبل بقيود المنطق
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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إذا تكلمت بالكلمة ملكتك وإذا لم تتكلم بها ملكتها
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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تنتهي حريتك عندما تمس يدك الممدودة أنف رجل آخر
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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ليس هناك أحرارٌ تماماً ، لأن هناك عبيداً لحريتهم
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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لا يغرنك إرتقاء السهل، إذا كان المنحدر وعراً!
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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أمقت ما تكتب ، لكنني مستعد لدفع حياتي كي تواصل الكتابة
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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لا تنه عن خلق وتأتي مثله عار عليك إذا فعلت عظيم
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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